
January 26th, 2023 | Kirstin Dodge

Podcast: Kirstin Dodge

Ya está disponible el séptimo episodio del podcast del Capítulo de Nueva York y Washington, D.C., con Kirstin Dodge, Directora de las Américas y Sur de Europa de Nivalion (legal finance).  En la entrevista, Kirstin nos habla sobre su transición al mundo de la financiación de disputas, la evolución del mercado de financiación de disputas, la necesidad o no de implementar regulaciones, y del mercado secundario.

October 31st, 2022 |

Podcast: Rekha Rangachari

El sexto episodio del podcast del Capítulo de Nueva York y Washington, D.C., cuenta con la participación de Rekha Rangachari, Directora Ejecutiva del New York International Arbitration Center (“NYIAC”). En la entrevista, Rekha nos habla sobre el rol de NYIAC, nuevas tendencias en el arbitraje desde la perspectiva de Nueva York, oportunidades para jóvenes abogados e iniciativas para promover la diversidad en el arbitraje internacional.

May 17th, 2022 | Simon Maynard

Podcast: Simon Maynard

Ya está disponible el quinto episodio del podcast del Capítulo de Nueva York y Washington, D.C. con Simon Maynard, quien, junto a Todd Weiler, lidera el Grupo de Trabajo de la CCI Sobre Discapacidad e Inclusión en el  Arbitraje Internacional.  Simon nos habla del Grupo de Trabajo, de su propia experiencia enfrentando una discapacidad mientras se desenvuelve en el campo del arbitraje internacional, lo que ha aprendido hasta ahora, los obstáculos que enfrenta esta iniciativa, y lo que todos nosotros podemos hacer para ayudar en esta tarea de inclusión.

July 19th, 2021 | Michael McIlwrath

Podcast: Michael McIlwrath

The 4th episode of the Podcast organize by the CEA New York and Washington, D.C. Chapter have Michael McIlwrath, founder of MDisputes, as speaker. Michael worked as Vicepresident of Litigation in Baker Hughes and as member of the GE Executive Counsel for Litigation for two decades.  Michael, who lives in Florence, Italy, represented his division in disputes worldwide and has worked with many of the arbitration lawyers. He is proffesor in the Bocconi Law School in Milan and co-author of two treaties, one of negotiation in internacional commercial contracts and other of mediation and international arbitration. Since october 2019, Michael chair the ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services and is a member of the IBA Mediation Comission.


July 19th, 2021 | Maria Beatrice Deli,Massimo Coccia


The 1st edition of the Spritz Podcast, organize by the Italian Chapter, have Maria Beatrice Deli and Massimo Coccia as special guest. 

July 2nd, 2021 | Eduardo Zuleta,Deva Villanúa

Diálogos a la Carta: Eduardo Zuleta y Deva Villanúa

In the 4th edition of Diálogos a la Carta, Eduardo Zuleta interview Deva Villanúa.

April 28th, 2021 | Adriana Uson

Podcast: Adriana Uson

The 3rd episode of the podcast organized by the New York and Washington, D.C. CEA Chapter is now available. Adriana Uson, director of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) for the Americas, talks to us about the opening of SIAC in New York, their intentions for the Americas, how 2020 was a record year for SIAC in the number of cases and the different initiatives they are organizing.

April 8th, 2021 | Isabel Yang

Interview with Isabel Yang

The second episode of the New York and Washington, D.C. Chapter podcast is now available, in which Isabel Yang, founder of ArbiLex, talks about her experience leading a "legal tech" company focused on arbitration.

March 15th, 2021 | George A. Bermann

Interview with George A. Bermann

The New York and Washington, D.C. Chapter has produced the first of a series of podcasts in which they will interview professionals, users and service providers in the international arbitration industry for 20 minutes. In the first podcast, Professor George A. Bermann tells his story. How he ended up teaching international arbitration; what he enjoys, his career as an arbitrator and expert; how the world of international arbitration has changed in the last four decades; and what message he leaves to future generations of arbitration  professionals.

March 9th, 2021 | Dyala Jiménez,Eduardo Zuleta

Diálogos a la Carta: Dyala Jiménez y Eduardo Zuleta

In the III Edition of Diálogos a la Carta, Dyala Jiménez interviews Eduardo Zuleta.