CEA - Capítulo Nueva York y Washington
19 Jul 2021

PODCAST: Michael McIlwrath

The 4th episode of the Podcast organize by the CEA New York and Washington, D.C. Chapter have Michael McIlwrath, founder of MDisputes, as speaker. Michael worked as Vicepresident of Litigation in Baker Hughes and as member of the GE Executive Counsel for Litigation for two decades.  Michael, who lives in Florence, Italy, represented his division in disputes worldwide and has worked with many of the arbitration lawyers. He is proffesor in the Bocconi Law School in Milan and co-author of two treaties, one of negotiation in internacional commercial contracts and other of mediation and international arbitration. Since october 2019, Michael chair the ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services and is a member of the IBA Mediation Comission. 

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