8th Spanish Arbitration Day in Beijing
La 8va edición del Spanish Arbitration Day in Beijing tendrá lugar el 7 de septiembre de 2023, a las 8:00 horas (CEST), bajo el título «New Developments in International Arbitration».
El evento contará con la intervención de J. Félix de Luis, International Arbitrator. Partner at Legal 21 Abogados. CIETAC Arbitrator. Madrid, SPAIN; Guillermo García-Perrote, Executive Counsel, Herbert Smith Freehills, Sydney, AUSTRALIA; Professor YIN Fei, Dean of Law School, Central University of Finance and Economics. CIETAC Arbitrator. Beijing, CHINA y ZHANG Qikun, Associate Professor, Law School, Central University of Finance and Economics. CIETAC Arbitrator. Beijing, CHINA.
Documento de interés: